A Monk Swimming A Memoir, by Malachy McCourt

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A Monk Swimming A Memoir, by Malachy McCourt

A Monk Swimming A Memoir, by Malachy McCourt

A Monk Swimming A Memoir, by Malachy McCourt

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A Monk Swimming A Memoir, by Malachy McCourt

Product details

Paperback: 290 pages

Publisher: Hachette Books; First Edition edition (June 2, 1999)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0786884142

ISBN-13: 978-0786884148

Product Dimensions:

5.2 x 8 inches

Shipping Weight: 10.7 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

3.6 out of 5 stars

121 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#166,751 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

If you're expecting Frank's brother to have the same lyrical writing style or the same quality, you will be sorely disappointed. Except for the hype, one would not know these two were brothers by the writing. However, at times it is uproariously funny, but the drunken larks and women seem to get somewhat repetitive and tiresome. For the most part, it held my attention, but it's one of those books you could open about anywhere and not have missed that much. Pretty good for a book to read on a plane.

Reading Malachy's mémoires is a real hoot. This is one of the funniest books I've read in a long time. His use of the English language is amazing. Wish I had his grasp of the language.

It is a shame that this book must always be compared to Angela's Ashes. True, AA was a masterpiece, but this is also a good book in its own right, and I do not believe Malachy McCourt was attempting to create another Angela's Ashes, just tell his own story. It answered some of my questions as to what happened to the McCourts after Angela's Ashes ended. I hope the brothers continue to write and let us know the next chapter in their lives.

good read

I bought this book after I read Frank McCourt's book "Angela's Ashes", Malachy's older brother. They're both amazing writers, very talented.

I had recently read Angela's Ashes and Tis by Frank McCourt and found out there were books by his brother Malachy. Malachy's writing style is more colloquial than Frank's, but is alot of fun. A Monk Swimming begins with his arrival in New York and follows him as he drinks and roisters his way through his early adulthood.

he's a much better writer than this book

excellent reading

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A Monk Swimming A Memoir, by Malachy McCourt PDF

A Monk Swimming A Memoir, by Malachy McCourt
